Clinical Psychology Doctoral Externships and Undergraduate Internships

Undergraduate Internships

In the 2025 Spring Semester, we are piloting a program to help undergraduate students match to Clinical  Internships for 1 to 2 days per week. We want the internships to be part-time jobs with a salary or a stipend ($1,000 to $5,000) for the 15-week semester. These internships are designed to help students make progress toward a Virginia Qualified Mental Health Professional Certificate which requires a bachelor’s degree in a human service major and 1,500 hours with clients who have diagnosed disorders. Click on the term in this sentence for a list of Behavioral Health Career Pathways.

Please email Dr. Jerome Short ( if your agency is interested in offering an undergraduate internship in Clinical Psychology. Please include the following descriptions for your internship.

  1. Date of Information.
  2. Contact Information (Name of agency, name of director/coordinator, street address, telephone, email, and webpage if available).
  3. General Information (Number of positions, start and end dates, required meetings or days of the week attendance, prerequisite training or experience, and any stipend).
  4. Description of Internship (Populations served, client assessment and/or intervention training experiences, and amount and type of supervision).
  5. Application Information (Materials to be submitted, how submitted, deadline for submission, and information about interviewing, time frame, or how decisions are made).