In the 2025 Spring Semester, we are piloting a program to help undergraduate students match to Clinical Internships for 1 to 2 days per week. We want the internships to be part-time jobs with a salary or a stipend ($1,000 to $5,000) for the 15-week semester. These internships are designed to help students make progress toward a Virginia Qualified Mental Health Professional Certificate which requires a bachelor’s degree in a human service major and 1,500 hours with clients who have diagnosed disorders. Click on the term in this sentence for a list of Behavioral Health Career Pathways.
Please email Dr. Jerome Short ( if your agency is interested in offering an undergraduate internship in Clinical Psychology. Please include the following descriptions for your internship.
- Date of Information.
- Contact Information (Name of agency, name of director/coordinator, street address, telephone, email, and webpage if available).
- General Information (Number of positions, start and end dates, required meetings or days of the week attendance, prerequisite training or experience, and any stipend).
- Description of Internship (Populations served, client assessment and/or intervention training experiences, and amount and type of supervision).
- Application Information (Materials to be submitted, how submitted, deadline for submission, and information about interviewing, time frame, or how decisions are made).